Glossary Of Inventory Terms
About This Glossary
The terms below are the language of inventory management. Precise language is essential to ensure that everyone on your management team understands their roles and goals.
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Common Terms Used in Association With Inventory Control and Clearly Inventory
An instance of the Clearly Inventory application that is completely controlled by the admin and whose data is only viewable to users in the account.
Admin Tab (formerly Account Tab)
A tab within Clearly Inventory that contains all of the important account administration functions such as customization, users, settings, and billing.
Admin User
A user whose permissions cannot be altered and has full access to all parts of Clearly Inventory. By default, the admin is the user that created the account.
Auto Complete (formerly Auto Search)
A global setting that allows Clearly Inventory to offer field data options based on characters already entered into the field. This is useful when looking up item numbers or descriptions. However you may want to turn this feature off if using a barcode reader to populate fields.
Check Box
A field type that can take only one of two states, checked or unchecked, which may be rendered in a database as “True/False” ,”1/0″, Yes/No, etc.
Component Items (formerly Sub Assemblies)
Items that are used to make other items. For example, a wheel is a component item of a bicycle. Whether an item is referred to as a component item, or just an item, depends on the context in which the item is being used.
Component List (formerly Bill of Materials)
A list that specifies the quantities and units of measure of items used to make a specific quantity and unit of measure of another item.
A change in the quantity and unit of measure of an inventory record that results in the creation of a new inventory record.
Copy User Permissions From
Using this function allows you to apply the exact same permissions to the user in question as another existing user.
The monetary value per unit of measure of an item obtained from a supplier or made in-house. The cost is used for all inventory calculations.
Count Method (formerly Transaction:Hard Count)
A way of performing inventory transactions where items are counted down at their locations, and the results are entered into Clearly Inventory. Any differences between what is actually counted and what the system believes should be in stock result in off-setting transactions being performed.
Create Inventory Record [formerly Add (Above Table)]
Creates a new inventory record. An inventory record must have an item ID, quantity (number and unit of measure), and a location name. The application of a unique tag, or status, to an item may also create a new record.
Critical Elements
A term to describe the necessary collections of data that are combined to form a fully functional inventory system. A working inventory system cannot exist without these elements. These elements are: a list of items to be stocked, a list of locations where items may be stocked, a list of units of measure, a list of quantities, including the quantity number and unit of measure.
Culture Setting
A setting that changes date, number, and currency formats to match that of the culture selected. You may only apply one culture setting to an account.
Currency Only
A field type that only accepts numbers, and formats them as currency.
Custom Field Type
A term that distinguishes custom item fields, which relate to items, from custom transaction fields, which relate to transactions.
Custom Item Field (formerly Item Detail Field)
Data fields with labels and functions that are determined by each account and apply to items independent of transactions; e.g., size, color, manufacturer’s part number, etc.
Any person, company, or agent that consumes items from your organization. Most transactions with customers cause decreases in item quantities.
Dashboard Tab (formerly Home Tab)
A tab within Clearly Inventory for quick access to links organized by activities, custom user links, as well as other views of information related to an account’s inventory.
Data Type
A term that refers to the different methods of data entry and validation for a given field. In Clearly Inventory, you can have text, number, date and time, drop-down list, check box, or currency field types.
Date and Time
A field type that only accepts dates and is capable of being autofilled through simple rules.
Date Format
Controls how dates are presented in custom fields.
Decrease (formerly Remove)
To decrease the quantity of an item in an existing inventory record. Decreases in item quantities commonly occur when an item is sold or scrapped.
Default Value
A value that will be entered into a respecitve data field automatically.
A field available to describe in more detail what type of data is supposed to be entered.
Download (formerly Export)
Used to obtain a file or data from Clearly Inventory.
Drop-Down List (formerly Custom Field: Combo Box)
A user interface device that restricts the values that a user may select to a predefined list of terms. Drop-down lists help users select the correct option and keep data consistent and clean.
Drop-Down List Default Value (formerly Custom Field: Combo Box Default Value)
The data that will be automatically entered into a drop-down list.
Drop-Down List Values (formerly Custom Field: Combo Box Available Values)
The data that will be available for selection in a drop-down list.
A term to describe the various collections of data that are combined to form a fully functional inventory system. See also: Critical Elements
File Access
Part of the user permissions area that allows the admin to restrict the view and access of specific files that have been uploaded into the account.
Form Method
A way of performing transactions that involves populating a preexisting form (usually a PO or Invoice) with inventory records and then applying the same transaction data to those records. This feature is NOT yet available in Clearly Inventory.
Global Actions
A grouping of permissions in the user permissions area that are mainly related to transactions and cost information.
Grid Method (formerly Transaction:Grid)
A way of initiating transactions that involves searching and filtering for inventory records and then performing transactions against those records.
Hello Menu
A menu accessed by clicking on the username that appears after the word “Hello” in the upper right corner of the Clearly Inventory software.
High Qty. Threshold (formerly Target Quantity)
A desired quantity of stock to have on-hand immediately once an item has been restocked. Used to generate the restock quantity.
In Inventory
Currently tracked in inventory but not necessarily on-hand.
In Stock
Immediately available for use.
Include on Convert
Checking this option makes the field available when an inventory record’s unit of measure is converted to another unit of measure.
Include on Decrease (formerly Custom Transaction Field: Include on Subtract)
Checking this option makes the field available when an inventory record’s quantity is decreased.
Include on Move
Checking this option makes the field available when an inventory record’s quantity is moved.
Include on Update
Checking this option makes the field available when an inventory record’s status is updated.
Include on Increase (formerly Custom Transaction Field: Include on Add)
Checking this option makes the field available when an inventory record’s quantity is increased.
Increase (formerly Add)
To increase the quantity of an item in an existing inventory record, usually when items are purchased or made.
Item Access
Part of the user permissions area that allows the admin to restrict the view and access of specific items.
Item Detail
An area within Clearly Inventory where certain information associated with an item may be viewed.
Item ID (formerly Item Number)
A alphanumeric string that identifies an item as different from all other of items.
Item Method (formerly Transaction:Item)
A way of initiating transactions that involves searching for all of the inventory records associated with an item.
A thing whose current, past, and future location and states are to be tracked in an inventory program.
Lead Time
The amount of time it takes from the intent to restock an item until it is on-hand.
Location (formerly Location Name)
A place where items can be stored or with which items may be associated. Locations can be either specific physical spaces or general descriptions. For example, “Aisle 2, Rack A, Shelf 1R” (specific physical space) or “In Transit” (nonspecific description).
Location Access
Part of the user permissions area that allows the admin to restrict the view and access of specific locations.
Location Group (formerly Zone)
A label applied to locations that have something important in common, such as their being a part of a store, plant, facility, or section, or sharing a certain status like “in transit”, “on hold”, “in field”, etc.
A term that describes where an item can be found. See How to Name Your Inventory Locations.
Low Qty. Threshold (formerly Reorder Quantity)
A quantity at or below which a reorder alert will be generated. Also known as a PAR level.
Make (formerly Backflush)
To make an item from component items. This action creates a new inventory record for the item created and decreases the quantity of items in specific locations as specified by the component list.
Manage Tab (formerly Tables Tab)
A tab within Clearly Inventory where users can manage all of the elements of their inventory system.
Max Character Length
The maximum number of characters, numbers, letters, and spaces that a field may contain.
To change the location of an item in an existing inventory record to another current or new inventory record.
The term that describes the data that will be entered into the custom field. This will also be the title of the column in which the related data will appear in tables. For example, if a field will be used to capture invoice numbers, you might name it “Invoice No.”.
Numbers Only
A field type that only accepts numbers.
Immediately available for use.
Pick or Put Away Method
A way of performing transactions that involves searching inventory records, selecting or “carting” multiple items, and then applying the same transaction data to the selected items. This feature is NOT yet available in Clearly Inventory.
The monetary value per unit of measure of an item shipped to a customer, i.e., the price for which you sell an item.
A number and a unit of measure. Without a unit of measure, a number has no meaning with regard to quantity. See Units of Measure for Items in Inventory.
Quantity Number (formerly Quantity)
The number of a quantity.
Record [formerly Results (see Transaction Grid)]
A row in a data table.
Required Field
A setting that prevents an action or form submission unless the user provides data for the field in question.
Restock (formerly Reorder)
To increase the quantity of an item on-hand at a location.
Restock Quantity Needed (formerly Reorder Quantity)
The quantity of an item that needs to be restocked in order to bring the item’s on-hand stock level equal to its high quantity threshold.
A button command that executes an action.
Sandbox (formerly Resources)
An area of Clearly Inventory for hosting views and reports that are in “beta” and require more testing before they are added to the main menu of views.
A button command that executes a search or filter operation.
Site Terms
Refers specifically to the site terms that can be customized.
Sort Order
The order that a custom field will appear relative to the other fields wherever it’s displayed.
Specific Item
Items that are set apart from items with the same item name by a unique tag.
Start Tab
This setting determines which tab a user will start on when they first sign in to Clearly Inventory.
Suppliers (formerly Vendors)
Any person, company, or agent that supplies items to your organization. Most transactions with suppliers cause increases in item quantities.
Tags (formerly Categories)
Terms that can be associated with items. You can apply multiple tags to an item. In contrast, you can only apply one item group value to an item.
Text and Numbers (formerly Custom Field: String)
A field type that allows a user to enter any combination of letters and numbers up to a maximum limit.
Text Area (formerly Custom Field: Allow Multiple Rows)
A setting that allows for extended text and returns. Most browsers will offer a control that lets users change the dimensions of text boxes as well.
Transactions Tab
A tab within Clearly Inventory that contains a variety of methods for performing transactions. All increases, decreases, conversions, movements, and status updates of stock take place within this tab.
Unit of Measure (formerly UOM)
The unit of measure of a quantity.
Unmake (formerly Reverse Backflush)
To take apart an item and restore its original components. This action decreases the quantity of an inventory record for the item taken apart and increases the quantity of component items in specific locations as specified by the component list. This feature is NOT yet available in Clearly Inventory.
To change the status of an inventory record. Common updates are “on hold”, “sold”, “available”, “reserved”.
Upload (formerly Import)
To send a file or data to Clearly Inventory.
Upload Method (formerly Transaction:Upload)
A way of performing transactions that involves selecting the type of transactions to be performed, downloading a sample table, populating the appropriate columns in the table, and then uploading the table back into Clearly Inventory.
Use Default
Controls whether or not a default value will be used for the field in question. If Use Default is not selected, the user will have to populate the field each time it’s used.
A unique login, not a person or “seat”, whose activity is logged and whose permissions can be altered in order to restrict access to elements of the application, items, or locations. Multiple people can use Clearly Inventory on a single user account; however, it is not recommended that the same user account be used on different devices at the same time.
Views Tab (formerly Explore Tab)
A tab within Clearly Inventory where users can view reports on the current and historical state of their inventory, as well as specialized reports for restocking, component relationships, data related to custom item fields, etc. There is also an area to create custom views and an area for “lab views” (i.e., views that are currently being tested).